Tonight was incredible! I could hardly keep my composer up on the stage teaching my paint class! I taught a paint night at SAIT for the meow foundation fundraiser the students of SAIT put together.
I have to say thank you to Sheza for thinking of me and providing me such an amazing first for me. An opportunity I am so grateful for! The class went smoothly!
I did learn a lot. How much time it take in between steps, how some paint slower and how to continue to teach a couple different parts at one time to let the ones that are quicker continue. How to talk and present, those presentation skills all my teachers forced me to work on really came to light tonight!
Thank you to all of the teachers that helped me learn how to present and talk to an audience. I would be stuck otherwise. I was a little nervous as first. But then the atmosphere got less awkward and more fun and comfortable amongst everyone.
I realized that the students were nervous about me and what I would say to them or there art and that brought out what I like to call, "Teacher Kenzie/Macki!" haha! It was fun! truly!
I learned so much and realized I was totally in my element. Tonight inspired me to continue to teach art, and though it was an adult paint night I can see myself teaching younger kiddos as well for sure!
I really want to work towards an art academy/studio that I can teach Airdrie in. I love this city and its home. There isn't an art studio teaching art in Airdrie, I feel I could really make an impact and be that to the city. I am inspired and excited to get working more on my dreams. I know I'm headed in the right direction!