This semester went really well! I have regularly mentored the grade 10s and when given the chance to speak about the academy I am all for expressing what we are all about! I have progressed in my ability to understand where my inspirations and ideas come from. I have learned how to properly create citations and a proper bibliography. I have especially succeeded in my teaching abilities and giving helpful criticism when necessary!
My smart goals were not completed as of this time but it wasn't forgotten about! I proposed I become a mentor and even better spokesperson to the academy and the VAM 10s by the end of the year. Which in that case I'm still continuing in that goal but can successfully say I have achieved that. My semester goal was to have my book published by now. The plan with my publisher was to have it published by January so I could begin advertising it but baby steps. I did however finally get my official ISBN number for my book! Which means it is a legitimate book with copyright standards and has its own ID now. So in progress! To be continued!
My highlight of the semester so far was the day it really felt like we were back at it all again, after summer break! We had many projects on the go before the education centres art show and our tables were a.complete.disaster!!! It was covered in paint, wood, clay, glue, pastels,last classes worksheets, Mr.grays coffee, snacks, pencil crayons, paper, cardboard, tissue paper, colour wheels, scissors and of course glitter! There were students on the floor in the mac lab on every table nook and cranny. It really felt like last year again. Especially when Mr.Gray walked in and said “What is the meaning of all this?!” staring at the chaos. We truly adopted Paula Shearer's quote after that. “You have to be in a state of play to design.” And that is my favorite moment of this year so far. Complete and utter happiness amidst the chaos of every artist designing through play.
This semester we really worked on our colleges and mixed mediums. I learned that as an artist I love the look of textures and 3D objects and sculptures. Especially art you can interact with. The science centre has always been my favorite field trip! It's a massive interactive art centre in my mind. So creating a spinning assemblage people could interact with was super fun! Peoples faces were truly wowed and I could tell were inspired by it! Which makes me happy! I have progressed so far in my understanding of what I want to be known for as an artist and that I am hoping to continue to experiment with multi and mixed media projects. Which has inspired my personal project for this coming semester!
Drawing realistically and drawing realism portraits through mediums such as pastels and pencil crayon I know I can be good at with practice. It has been a challenge this year to be happy with the realistic pieces I have created. I am learning to be proud of those works though as they are only showing me that there is practice needed in certain areas and that what I've accomplished in that medium is great and a good starting point! I am also challenged by stepping up to the plate to accomplish even higher than I have the year before. Last year was huge for me and I will remember it forever. But this year I am finding it a little tricky to continue that flow of progression. Although with the recent presentations I have done I'm feeling extremely proud of myself for not being afraid to speak in front of a large audience. Dancing for thousands is easy but speaking as been hard. The couple presentations I've done this semester have made me super happy about my progression in presenting. I am excited to get working on my personal project as the ideas flowing in my head constantly are ready to burst out and show the world the beauty I've built up for awhile!
For next semester I plan to learn and to grow as an artist. I have not yet ever created a series of paintings and this will be a first for me. A first I am ready for and excited! So if I set one goal for this semester it is to stay focused and to play. I want to explore the medium of acrylic and experience the process of creating a series of paintings for the first time and hopefully be inspired to continue creating paintings on my own time. Lots of ideas in this head and heart of mine and I'm excited to share them and experience them very soon!