Today I completed my final page of my second book! I am so incredibly happy with each and every page. It was a bright and sunny day today and I thought it was the perfect time to complete page 22. Page 22 is also the title page of the book! So I am so happy I am now able to start working on the cover and editing and formatting stages. It is also a little emotional as this is my final project I am doing in my high school years and with the academy. I am proud of myself but I also wish high school would never end. It has been such a great experience and I'm blessed to have four really great years in my school. Just looking at my illustrations from my first book to my second I am proud of myself because I have grown! And you can tell that through my work. I hope that I can continue making children's book through my university years and that I will see more growth through those as well. As we are in the middle of a pandemic this book has become very special to me, its been keeping my spirits lifted and keeping me bubbly and happy! I cannot wait to share with my teachers and friends and family what I have been working on in person! I will continue blogging as I work on publishing and editing. I want to share more about the second process to this project as I hadn't truly documented any of the behind the scenes stuff with my last book! I have left footage here of myself completing my final page! Today I am celebrating!